Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The same friends who loaned us the Jumperoo are also letting us borrow their Bumbo chair. The Bumbo is a new fad item for babies - it's a little chair that holds the baby in a sitting position (before they can sit up on their own).

Sandy picked up the seat while we were away, so Grady got to try it for the first time yesterday. He didn't seem to mind it too much and spent a while sitting in it before wanting to do something else. I like how it holds up him like he's sitting --- it makes him look like such a big boy!

Ryder and Grady watching Sandy in the kitchen.

Big smiles for Mama!

Sitting in the chair today.

Big stretch ... starting to get tired of it.

Big yawn ... definitely tired of it!

1 comment:

Christa and Darryl said...

Aww he raelly does look like a big boy sitting in that chair. I have been looking for one of those. HOw do you like it?