Monday, September 22, 2008


Grady and I arrived home today after spending the past week in Ontario for my Grandpa's funeral. There were many sad moments, but also a lot of laughs and good times as we remembered a great man.

When Sandy picked us up at the airport today, he commented that Grady seemed to have grown and changed so much in the past five days! While we were away, Grady discovered his ears, he started blowing raspberries, he is getting better at trying to sit up, and he can lift his whole head off the ground when he is lying on his back (it looks like he is on the luge!)

Here are some new pictures of Grady in his very cute Halloween sleeper (a gift from Grandma RonaLee and Grandpa Ken).

Grady is fascinated with his feet. He spends a lot of time leaning over and trying to grab them.


Blowing raspberries :)

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