Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

"It's a bird, it's a plane, it's ... Superman!"

Grady's costume this year was actually a pair of pajamas, but I don't think he noticed. He did make a very handsome Superman and we had a lot of fun flying him around the living room.

Tired from all that flying ... had to take a rest.

Superman and Ryder saying hello.

Superman and his friend, Teagan, the turtle.

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin time!

Tonight we carved our pumpkins for Halloween. We had a little baby one for Grady and a big one for us. I carved Grady's pumpkin and Sandy carved the big one. They both turned out great.

Preparing to carve

Grady's pumpkin with the lid off: "Let me at it!"

Grady and his pumpkin
(I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture but I carved the pumpkin's
smile to match Grady's: two bottom teeth and one on the top!)

Trying to get a picture of Grady smiling with his pumpkin
... no such luck!

Grady with both pumpkins.

Taking off the lid.

Just like everything else, the pumpkin goes in his mouth.

Family photo :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Super cute

I bought this outfit for Grady when we were in the States. It's his first pair of overalls and he looks super cute in them!

Monday, October 27, 2008

More teeth!

Grady's been working on getting the next round of teeth in for about two weeks now. His top FOUR teeth are all pushing down through his gums. The top left one has broken through, but the others are still just beneath the surface. He's drooling like crazy, constantly chewing on his hands, and putting anything and everything into his mouth ... hopefully, they break through soon!

ps. Just in case you can't tell from the photo, he does not enjoy having me push his mouth open to get a picture of his teeth!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Making a comeback

When Grady was a little baby, we always had bibs on him because he spit up so much. It was much easier to just change the bib than change his whole outfit! He's just over one month old in this picture:

Eventually, he stopped spitting up every five seconds and we went bib-free for a while. Now that Grady is eating solid foods, we are back to the bibs (only for meal times, but still ... they are back in!)

"Under the sea" ~ made by Grandma Liz

"Go Canucks!" ~ a gift from Aunt Christa and Uncle Darryl

"Take me out to the ballgame" ~ made by Grandma Liz

"At the Farm" ~ bought when we were in Ontario this summer

"Monkeying Around" ~ a gift from his Great-Great Aunt Dorothy

Friday, October 24, 2008

New jammies and a new toy

Last weekend I went to a baby swap meet and found some great second-hand items for Grady. I found these cute Old Navy jammies for him:

And this cool new Playskool toy. When you hit the buttons on the front, the windows pop up. Grady doesn't have the dexterity to push the buttons and make them pop open, so I do that for him. He pushes all the little animals back down, which he thinks is great fun.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Helping me out

It was just a couple of weeks ago when we introduced solid food and he's already trying to feed himself!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This past weekend, Darryl, Christa, and Easton came for a visit. It was a lot of fun getting Grady and Easton together. They are too young to interact with each other, but we still had fun watching them.

Getting to know each other

Smiles for the camera

We took them for a walk -this is the 'before' picture.

the 'during' picture

the 'after' picture

These little jammies were a gift from their Grandma and Grandpa Syme. Soooo cute!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Peas Please!

Last week, we started Grady on vegetables. While we were away, I gave him sweet potato and squash. He ate them both, but he didn't seem to really enjoy either option. This week, we are trying peas and he absolutely loves them! I'm making our own baby food and mashed peas are very easy to produce for the little guy. Good thing because it looks like I'll be making lots:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Our trip down South

Grady and I arrived back home last night after spending a week in Mississippi visiting family. I'm grateful that the trip was planned for this time of year because it was HOT down there. We enjoyed seeing everyone and Grady was the hit of the party ... as usual!

Grady and I out for a walk
Four generations: Grady, Me, my Mom, and my Gran Joanne

Heather, Me, Grady, and my Great-Aunt Dorothy

My Mom, Heather, Me, Cousin Robert, Uncle Jim, Grady, Aunt Catherine, and Gran Joanne

Grandma Liz and Grady on the beach

Grady peeking over a lounge chair

Dipping his toes in the Gulf of Mexico

Grandma Liz, Grady, Me, and Heather

This is my Aunt Catherine's dog, Percy. He and Grady formed a close friendship while we were there. Percy loved to lick Grady's hands, arms, legs, and feet. Grady loved to "pet" Percy. When we put Grady in the playpen, Percy would sit in front of it and make sure Grady was okay. Percy even barked at me when I picked Grady up ... he was very protective of him. It was pretty cute.