Friday, October 3, 2008

"It's raining, it's pouring ..."

The lovely west coast Fall weather has arrived: rain, rain, and more rain! Yesterday, there were a few breaks in the weather, so I quickly hurried around the block with Grady and Ryder to give Ryder his exercise. Today ... no such luck! It poured pretty much all day, so I had to be creative.

I found a raincoat and rain pants in the closet that I have for Grady for when he is older. Although, they were quite big on him, I figured it was better than him getting soaking wet. Well, it actually worked out really well. Since the pants were so long, they covered his little shoes and kept his feet dry. And, the extra long sleeves on the coat kept his hands dry.

He looked silly, but at least he stayed warm and dry!

The hood is definitely too big.

Super long legs!
(A bit of a "deer in the headlights" expression going on here!)

Bad angle ... really highlights his double chin ... ha, ha!

Ready to go!

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