Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Above is a picture of our beautiful Christmas tree --- definitely the nicest tree we've ever had!

We went to Gold River yesterday to visit Sandy's family for Christmas. Rob and Pam put on an incredible feast and we all had a great time catching up. That's what the holidays are all about: spending time with family and friends .... and eating lots of yummy food!

We are all set for Christmas here .... just waiting for Santa to come visit tonight! Really though, I feel like I've already received the best gift possible with having my Mom, Dad, and Heather here. Plus, with the gift of this baby growing healthy and strong ... I feel very blessed.

Speaking of the baby, I think it must have gone through a growth spurt this past week because my belly certainly has gotten much bigger! I am starting to feel more and more pregnant every day and I love it.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

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