Monday, December 17, 2007

A mini update

Sandy and Heather made it home fine on Friday. We had a great weekend with the five of us...lots of eating and drinking (only water for me!). On Saturday, we bundled up and trundled off through the woods to find the perfect Christmas tree. Heather found a beauty, so Sandy chopped it down and carried it back to the truck. We put the lights and decorations on the tree Saturday night and it looks so beautiful! (I'll have to post a picture)

Sandy and I both headed off to work today. I went to a high school and taught a bunch of kids who really didn't want to be there, so not the best day. Sandy spent his day in a dirty crawl space (welcome back to work!).

I am still feeling really good....definitely starting to get bigger too! The baby has been moving around a lot again. I feel lots of kicks around 9-10pm .... hmm .... hopefully, this baby isn't a night owl!

One complaint I do have is that I can't shake the sniffles! I caught a bad cold the first week of December and felt really horrible for 4-5 days. I have been feeling so much better lately, but my nose is still stuffed up! Not that these are the best kind of details, but I keep blowing my nose and still, it's stuffed up and I am sniffling. I hope this clears up soon!

That's all for now. I'm off to bed. :)

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