Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Nesting" .... or maybe just crazy!

I've heard about this phenomenon called "nesting" where pregnant women go all crazy and clean their homes from top to bottom. I think it normally happens just before birth as a way to get active plus get the house ready for it's newest member! I think this nesting urge can also happen throughout pregnancy...I sure hope so anyway! I've been going non-stop all week long moving furniture, sorting through junk, throwing stuff away, and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning!

I think I'm getting towards the end of what will be accomplished right now though. For two main reasons: reason 1 - I'm almost finished my "to-do list" and am running out of things to move around and clean AND reason 2 - my Mom and Dad arrive tomorrow for Christmas!!!! I am so excited to see them and can't wait until they get here.

Tonight I think I was feeling some braxton-hicks contractions. Joanne asked me if I'd noticed any since they can start around 16 weeks. I hadn't really noticed so I started paying closer attention. I'm not totally sure this is what is actually happening but my stomach gets really tight and hard for a few moments (well technically, it's actually my uterus but it's kind of weird to talk about it and actually say uterus!). It doesn't hurt or anything .... just feels a bit different.

The baby has been kind of quiet lately. I was worried that something was wrong but I asked my Mom and she said that it was probably just tired from all of the running around I've been doing! My favorite part of the day is when I sit down on the couch for a cup of tea before bed. This is usually the time that baby decides to move around and give out a few punches and kicks :)

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