Sunday, February 24, 2008

A few things to note...

Things I can no longer do:

- bend at the waist (this includes tying up my running shoes, picking stuff up off the ground, etc. I now either squat and hope to stay on my feet, bend down onto one knee, or kind of lean down sideways!)

- sleep through the night (pretty sure this won't change with the arrival of the baby). I am up frequently to go to the bathroom or change sleeping positions. Usually when I wake up, I start thinking about things and then I have even more trouble falling back asleep!

- wear any of my regular clothes without looking and feeling totally ridiculous!

- walk for more than thirty minutes without a.) having to go the washroom b.) slowing down to the pace of a snail c.) experiencing real back pain.

Things I can now do:

- rest my plate on my tummy when I am lying on the couch .... makes a perfect little table!

- avoid Guilt!

For example, I can sit down at work without feeling too bad, sleep in when I am tired without feeling incredibly lazy, and indulge in a treat or two without knowing I'll have to work extra hard to get rid of it tomorrow .... although that's going to change very soon!

- rest my hands on my belly without looking totally weird

- relish in the special attention that I get from strangers ... everyone is nice to a pregnant lady!

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