Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is this even possible? ...and Spring!

Last night I was feeling sooooo crappy. I had a bad headache, my stomach was kind of upset and I just felt "off". I really couldn't figure out why I felt so bad .... then it came to me. I felt the way I did when I got motion sick way out on a tiny little boat bobbing around in the ocean. The baby was moving even more than usual yesterday and not just little kicks here and there, but big huge flips and flops. I think all that movement was making me feel ill! If that's not what it was, then maybe I was just really tired because I feel way better now!

I don't start work today until 12:30pm, so I had a lovely sleep in (see, there are benefits to being a TOC). It's nice and bright out ... I think it's time for Ryder and I to go for a walk. I am so thankful that Spring is on its way. I am loving the brighter mornings, longer days, and little tiny daffodil shoots that are starting to show. Everything is starting to bloom. ;)

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