Monday, February 11, 2008

Single digits!

We are into the single digit countdown now....9 weeks until the baby's due date! It still seems so bizarre that we are actually going to have a baby .... who we will be totally responsible for .... who will live with us for the next 18 or so years .... who is going to totally change our lives! It's amazing to think about (and also kind of scary).

My other countdown is how many weeks of work left. We've decided that as long as everything continues to go well, I will keep working up until Spring Break. It is two weeks long this year and when school starts up again after the break, I'll be 38 weeks pregnant - probably not at a stage where I'll want to spend a full day keeping a classroom full of kids in line. So, it just makes sense for me stop at the beginning of Spring Break (at 36 weeks....hopefully, I make it that long!)

That means my last day of teaching will be March 14th .... that's only 5 weeks from now! I have mixed feelings about leaving teaching for a full year. I know that I will be really busy with the baby and my life will be a lot different than it is now, but I am really going to miss the students and teachers who I've gotten to know from going to the same schools again and again. Plus, I think I will miss the actual teaching...I really like my job. However, 5 weeks from now when I am even larger and more uncomfortable, I may experience a change of heart and feel ready to take a break!

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