Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The details

I had my midwife appointment with Joanne today. I love going to her office. It's in her house but there is a separate entrance and the office space is really warm and cozy. We had a really nice chat and caught up on all of the baby are the details:
  • So far, I am measuring right on track (with pretty much everything).
  • I have gained 6 pounds since the start of the pregnancy. Joanne said that this number is "perfectly average" and I can expect to gain about a pound a week from here on. Guess I'll have to watch how many Christmas goodies I eat!
  • She took my blood pressure (it was 90 over 60) which Joanne said is low, but okay. I told her that I've been getting really light-headed if I stand up too fast and she said that was happening because I have more blood volume now, but lower pressure so it takes a little longer for my blood to get where it's going. She reminded me to stand up slower!
  • My heart and lungs both sounded fine. And, my eyesight still looks good (I guess it can change during pregnancy...who knew?)
  • The baby's heartrate was 156 beats per minute and sounded nice and strong.

And, that was pretty much it! Joanne said that she didn't have any concerns with me or the baby, so that's good news. It was a great appointment: I left feeling happy. Now, I get to look foward to the big ultrasound this Monday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay, that's exciting! Do you know what your blood pressure was before you were pregnant? Mine is always way low too! And especially with pregnancy, low is better than high!