Thursday, November 22, 2007

Here's something that's kind of cool...

I've been reading in my baby books about how the baby is growing and what size it is now. One book I read said that the baby was 6.5 inches CRL and one book said that the baby is now 10.5 inches long....I was totally confused! I can understand a discrepancy between books of a half inch or maybe even an inch, but 4 inches way!

So, I did some research and it turns out that the measurement of 6.5 inches is from the top of the baby's head to it's bum. And, the 10.5 inch measurement includes the baby's legs....totally makes sense! It's funny ..... I can remember writing a post about the how the baby was 4 inches long now and I was so amazed (back around week 12 maybe?) and now it's legs are 4 inches long!!!! I'm still amazed.

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