Thursday, November 8, 2007


Tonight I attended my second pre-natal yoga class (actually, my second yoga class ever!). The first class was a good introduction to what the seven-week session would be like, but I left feeling a bit unsure. I did enjoy it but thought the whole thing was a bit slow and honestly, I felt like giggling most of the time ... because of the breathing and poses and mainly because I was just being silly.

But tonight, I was in my yoga groove ;). I knew what to expect and was better prepared to breathe deeply and focus on "the babe" (instructor's term, not mine!). I was much better at the poses and at moving from pose to pose without looking totally awkward (probably still a bit goofy looking, but definitely better than the first week!)

One of my favorite parts of the 1.5 hour long class is the last 10 minutes. We do a pose that has a fancy yoga name, but I can only remember the laymen's term: "the corpse pose". Basically, we lay on our mats and stay very still and feels heavenly after a long day.

At the end of the class, we say "Namaste".... I gather this is a similar term to "Aloha".... it covers hello, good-bye, thank you .... all the important things.

*Edited to Add: I just googled "namaste" to see if I was close in my very basic translation...not so much! Here is what it really means: "The God/Goddess within me acknowledges the God/Goddess within you." ....very yogic sounding!*

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