Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fall is here

It seems that almost overnight, fall has arrived. It's still sunny during the day, but it's quite cool in the morning and evening. I'm trying to make sure that Grady stays warm enough when we take Ryder for his dog walks so he's been wearing the hood on his little coat, which makes him look extra cute:

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Little Man!

Grady spent the first three months of his life wearing sleepers. Sometimes I would dress him in an outfit, but mostly he wore jammies. It just made sense: he spent a large majority of the time sleeping, he seemed nice and comfy, and it was easy to get him in and out of a sleeper.

Now that he has more of a routine regarding awake and asleep times, it makes sense to get him dressed when he wakes up for the day and put pajamas on him when we are getting him ready for bed. I think it helps him distinguish between awake time and asleep time plus he is getting bigger, so it seems like he should wear real clothes during the day.

It's amazing though ... as soon as I put an outfit on him, he all of a sudden looks much more grown-up ... my little man!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

When Dad changes Grady's diaper:

Today when Grady went down for his afternoon nap, I ran out to take care of some of errands and left Sandy in charge. When I got home, I was asking Sandy how it went and he said that Grady had a good sleep, but woke up about 20 minutes before I had arrived home. Sandy said that he changed Grady's diaper and put him in his exersaucer to play. It all sounded good to me!

Well, a few minutes went by and we decided to take Ryder for a walk. So, Sandy pulled Grady out of his exersaucer and this is what I saw! It doesn't actually look that bad in the photo, but Grady's onesie is snapped up on the outside of his pants. It's really not a big deal, but I thought it looked absolutely hilarious. We left it like that for the rest of the day ... Grady didn't mind, Sandy thought it looked good, and it gave me a good giggle everytime I looked at Grady. :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Update on Grady's teeth + two cute photos

Yes, that's right, I said "teeth". There are two now! The one on Grady's right has cut all the the way through his gums and is starting to actually look like a tooth. The one on his left is just poking out, but it's definitely noticeable. I know this is kind of a weird picture, but you can see his teeth really well in it! (If you are interested, you can click on the picture and the internet will take you to a bigger, blown-up version of this picture, so you can really see them).

Since the teeth photo is mostly just a shot of Grady's mouth and my thumb, I thought I'd include these two photos that I took today. They aren't the greatest pictures, but I still like them. It's a neat view of Grady and all his cuteness :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mr. Serious

90% of the time that Grady is awake, he is all happy and smiley. Usually, he makes little noises, sometimes he squeals, but he always smiles ... until I get out the camera. All of a sudden, he's Mr. Serious! Here are some pictures to illustrate my point:

He was having a great time playing with this toy in his crib, so I grabbed the camera and took a picture. He's definitely not smiling ... although I think you can tell that he was?

On the floor playing with his toys ... giggling and laughing .... camera comes out ... smile goes away!

I was determined to capture a smile, so I set him up in the chair and just kept taking pictures until I got a good one ... this was not a good one!

Also not a good one.

YES! Finally a photo of my smiley, happy little boy :)

It looks like he's trying to get away here ... guess he'd had enough of the photos!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Weekend Camping Trip

We went exploring this weekend and found a really neat camping site at a place called Brewster Lake. The weather was amazing - we were swimming at 9am both mornings and spent most of the day by the lake. Grady was an all-star camper and we all had a great time!

Sandy, Grady, and Ryder down at the lake first thing in the morning.

Happy baby!

Family photo (self-portrait style :)

Teaching Grady how to float.

Cuddle-bug in the water.

Family swim!

Out for a hike.

Grady chillin' in his play-pen down at the beach.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Trying to get pictures of the new little tooth:

See what I mean about all the drool!!!

Grady's standard look these days ... always with the finger in his mouth!

Attempt #1 of getting a picture of his tooth ... definitely not successful ... you can't see the tooth at all.

Attempt #2 ... a little more successful. If you look closely, you can kind of see a little white spot on his bottom right gums ... that's the tooth!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Grady's very first tooth is poking through his gums. It's his bottom right one and we can just barely see it. I could really tell it was coming up when I put my finger on his gums ... there is a sharp little area and it's looks a little bit white. I can't get a good picture of it, but I'll keep trying. He's been pretty happy all day, which I'm kind of surprised about because I'm sure it hurts. I guess this explains all the drool lately!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our new stroller

Now that Grady is big enough to sit up in a jogging type stroller, we decided it was time to get a proper stroller for going on big walks. I wanted one of the three wheeled ones so that we could take it on all of the trails around here. We found this one at Wal-Mart. It has great reviews and was reasonably priced, so we bought it.

So far, I'm really happy with it. The seat can be adjusted from reclined to upright, there is a cup holder for the parents and one for the baby, it has a 5-point harness, the front wheel can swivel or be locked, it's easy to fold up, and it fits in the car (with Ryder in the very back)! I think Grady likes it too ....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Grady and Easton

This past weekend we were in Gold River for the annual Watt family golf tournament/reunion. We had a great time visiting with all the family. Of course, Grady and Easton were the hit of the party!

Easton and Grady on the playmat ... holding hands ... so cute!

looking a little stunned!

Grandpa Rob and Grady

Pam, Rob, Easton, and Grady

Grady was a little hungry when were taking these pictures!

two cutie-pies!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Swimming at the river

We've been having some beautiful summer weather lately. Last weekend, we took Grady and Ryder swimming at the river near our house. It was cold, but so refreshing! We even dunked Grady's little toes ... he didn't seem to mind too much.

Now, we just have to figure out a system for keeping him covered from the sun. I think we'll have buy one of those little UV bathing suits for next summer.

Anyway, here are some pictures from our afternoon at the river:

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Four Month (plus a day) Birthday Grady!

7 days old

one month old

two months old

three months old

today ... four months old!!! (plus one day :)

At four months old, Grady weighs 17 pounds and is 26 inches long. He has (all of sudden) realized that there is a whole world out there and is interested in everything.

He's always grabbing at his toys and putting them into his mouth. He can roll from back to front and front to back (this one happens more often).

Grady sleeps really well at night and still naps for a couple of hours each day. He spits up alllll the time, but apparently, this is normal!

He laughs and giggles when he's happy and he definitely lets us know when he's not.

He's the absolute light of our lives and we love him so incredibly much. Happy Four Month Birthday Grady.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Put on your raincoat!

Okay, in this picture it's just drool, but there is always something coming out of Grady's mouth! Either he's drooling like crazy or spitting up. Seriously, he spits up so much I am surprised that he is even growing at all.

I am getting used to it and don't give it a second thought now when I change my t-shirt for the third or fourth time in one day. However, I always warn people who want to hold him ... "Be careful, he may get sick" ... maybe I should just hand over a raincoat with the baby :)