Saturday, August 23, 2008

When Dad changes Grady's diaper:

Today when Grady went down for his afternoon nap, I ran out to take care of some of errands and left Sandy in charge. When I got home, I was asking Sandy how it went and he said that Grady had a good sleep, but woke up about 20 minutes before I had arrived home. Sandy said that he changed Grady's diaper and put him in his exersaucer to play. It all sounded good to me!

Well, a few minutes went by and we decided to take Ryder for a walk. So, Sandy pulled Grady out of his exersaucer and this is what I saw! It doesn't actually look that bad in the photo, but Grady's onesie is snapped up on the outside of his pants. It's really not a big deal, but I thought it looked absolutely hilarious. We left it like that for the rest of the day ... Grady didn't mind, Sandy thought it looked good, and it gave me a good giggle everytime I looked at Grady. :)

1 comment:

Christa and Darryl said...

OMG!!! That is so fricken halairious and adorable.