Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mr. Serious

90% of the time that Grady is awake, he is all happy and smiley. Usually, he makes little noises, sometimes he squeals, but he always smiles ... until I get out the camera. All of a sudden, he's Mr. Serious! Here are some pictures to illustrate my point:

He was having a great time playing with this toy in his crib, so I grabbed the camera and took a picture. He's definitely not smiling ... although I think you can tell that he was?

On the floor playing with his toys ... giggling and laughing .... camera comes out ... smile goes away!

I was determined to capture a smile, so I set him up in the chair and just kept taking pictures until I got a good one ... this was not a good one!

Also not a good one.

YES! Finally a photo of my smiley, happy little boy :)

It looks like he's trying to get away here ... guess he'd had enough of the photos!

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