Say that really fast and you'll know exactly what the baby's heartbeat sounds like right now!
I was supposed to have a midwife appointment today but ended up getting called into work. I called Joanne to let her know I wouldn't make my appointment and she surprised me by saying that she would meet me at our house after school!
We had our normal appointment chat about how I was feeling (great!) and if I had any questions (not really) and then she took my blood pressure. It was fine. Then, it was time for what I had been waiting for.... out came the doppler!
She put the little wand on my abdomen and started moving it around to find the baby. 15 minutes later and nothing....except my own heartbeat (apparently, I have a very strong pulse!). Finally, she moved the doppler way down low and that's when we heard it...."woof, woof, woof, woof, woof..." It was going super fast --- 156 beats per minute to be exact!
I was very grateful that Joanne kept looking for the baby and it was very reassuring to hear the heartbeat. She said it sounded strong and healthy, which is great news.
15 weeks tomorrow!!! Where is time going?