Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sorry, no update!

No midwife appointment today after all. My cell phone rang at 6:13am for a job at Vanier (high school here in Courtenay). I taught three classes of English and then the last class of the day was....rugby!!! Outside, in the pouring rain and blowing wind, with 35 grade 10 boys running around like crazy and me trying to remember the rules of the game from the teacher's notes and my quick read through a rugby rule book that I found in the classroom. It's probably not necessary for me to say that I was very happy when the final bell rang.

The teacher who I was in for left a message that he may not be in for the rest of the week...his wife went into labour last night! Pretty exciting, plus I may have the next three days of work covered...bonus for me!

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