Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Good versus Evil

The good: Today I went to an hour long aerobics/conditioning class. It was an incredible workout and also a lot of fun! Two friends came with me so we had a good time giggling at ourselves trying to keep up with the "moves". Even with the silliness, I worked really hard and am already feeling some sore muscles. It hurts, but in a good way. I was conscious of the fact that I am pregnant and should be careful, but I managed to keep up pretty well and just went to a lower intensity when I was getting too hot or feeling "the burn" a little too much.

The evil: It's no secret that I love candy. I truly love it. When I was doing some grocery shopping at Thrifty's the other day, I came across this bulk section called "favour blasters" or something like that. There are a whole bunch of bins with a wide variety of candy: fuzzy peaches, watermelon slices, strawberries (hhmmm, they are all shaped like fruit...probably to give the false illusion that the sugar you are eating is actually good for you). Anyway, I bought some of these chewy candies and they are soooooooo delicious and also PURE EVIL!!! Like with the aerobics, I am conscious that I am pregnant and shouldn't eat a lot of junk --- bad for baby and bad for me, but they just taste so good!

What's that saying? "Everything in moderation...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
