Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Appointment today

Baby's heart rate = 132 beats per minute (much lower than it usually is, but still well within the normal range).

My blood pressure = can't remember the exact numbers, but it's fine.

Fundal height (uterus) = 36.5 cm .... usually one cm for every week, so a bit big since I am 35 weeks. At my last appointment (3 weeks ago), the measurement was 32 cm, so a big jump!

Weight gain = 38 pounds!!!! That is so much ... I don't even know what to say about it! Actually, yes I do ... I am going to have to work really hard to get rid of it all!

Baby is still head down, but it's back is now on the left side with the feet and arms on the right side. The baby is lying kind of sideways, but it's back is facing too much towards my back (for an optimal delivery position). So, I am not supposed to lay on my back at all anymore ... only on my left-hand side to encourage the baby to shift a little more so it's tummy is facing my back. I can also go swimming and float with my belly down to create more of a hammock for the baby to fall into ... that actually sounds kind of nice right now!

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