Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Our last holiday before baby arrives and we spent it being purely indulgent! Sandy went for breakfast with his friends and then golfed Men's morning. Heather and I went to the Kingfisher Spa for pedicures (our birthday present to each other this year ) - it was a wonderful experience and we both truly enjoyed it.

This afternoon we went for a walk and now we (and by "we", I mean Rob and Sandy!) are making Easter rib, yorkshires, potatoes, and vegetables....yum!

I am starting to feel more excited/impatient to meet our little one. This is due partly to the fact that I now have sausage fingers and toes (swelling has officially set in and let me tell you, it's not pretty!) and partly to the fact that I've been pregnant for 36 weeks 5 days and I am ready to meet this baby!!!

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