Sunday, March 30, 2008

Well, that didn't work out very well...

I went to bed tonight at 9:50pm (very early for me) thinking that I would have an opportunity to get a great sleep and wake up feeling rested and ready to face the day ... and my massive "to do" list!

It didn't work out very well. First, I am sooooooo thirsty these days. I literally cannot drink enough water. So, after drinking massive amounts of water all day/evening, you can imagine what follows .... many trips to the washroom.

Also, I have been instructed to lie on my left-hand side as much as possible to encourage baby to get into the right position. This is comfortable for about oh ... 5 seconds. After that, I want to shift and lie on my back, stomach, right-hand side .... any other way!!! Lying on my back is probably the worst for getting the baby to shift so I really try to avoid that, lying on my stomach is pretty much impossible, and lying on my right-hand side feels so weird. That's where the baby is lodged and I kind of feel like I am lying right on top of it.

So, between the 3 trips to the washroom that I've made in the last 1.5 hours and the constant shifting, my great plan to get to sleep early hasn't really worked out so well. Here I am .... downstairs .... on the computer .... updating the blog (complaining :) .... considering what to do next. Either back upstairs to toss and turn or surf the web for a while longer. It's a pretty exciting life that I lead!

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