Friday, March 28, 2008

Today's appointment

I had a midwife appointment today (I feel like I am always going there now! Although, once a week is quite often, so that's probably why).

Here are the stats:

Me: No more weight gain (yes!); blood pressure a little higher than usual, but still totally normal.

Baby: Heart rate was 128 beats per minute (much lower than last time, but maybe baby was sleeping or resting); head is lower down in my pelvis, but still not engaged; baby's back is still on my right side with arms and legs on the left side.

There is still 2.5 weeks until baby's due date, but I was curious so I asked about Joanne's policy regarding overdue babies. Basically, up until my due date, it's just waiting (and hoping!!!) that it happens naturally.

At 40 weeks, 3 days, she will order a non-stress test to see how the baby is doing. At 41 weeks, she orders an ultrasound to check on fluid levels and health of the placenta. At 42 weeks, it's time for a medical induction.

I would love it if the baby decided to come in maybe ... a week to ten days ... that would be just perfect! .... If only it was up to me to decide. ;)

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