Saturday, March 29, 2008

Some things are better left unsaid.

Yesterday afternoon I went for a walk with my friend and her Mom. I know them both quite well and they are really kind people. Although, the situation that unfolded was a prime example of the fact that some things are definitely better left unsaid!

When I first met them, my friend's Mom said to me, "Oh my goodness, you are HUGE!" I agreed with her and laughed it off. It probably would have been okay if that had been the end of it, but she spent the whole 2 hour walk telling me how HUMUNGOUS I was and she just couldn't believe how BIG my belly had grown.

She is a really sweet lady and I know she didn't mean any harm. Her daughter (my friend) may weigh 100 pounds soaking wet, so of course I look big next to her! Plus, my friend had her baby at 36 weeks, so I'm almost 2 weeks further than she was at her biggest.

Anyway, I think the whole situation gave me a bit of a complex! I wasn't feeling that large beforehand, but last night all I could think about was how big I actually am, how much weight I have gained, and how I must look to others. I just have to remind myself that I am healthy and the baby is healthy and that's what is really important.

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