Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 2 ... summary of the last 48 hours!

Grady is now 2 days old!

It's been such a whirlwind since we came home on Sunday night. It's only been two days, but already it feels like a lifetime (and I mean that in a good way :)

Our first night home was great. It felt so good to come home after being in the hospital. Even though we were only there for 4 hours, I was still happy to leave. Hospitals kind of freak me out and I didn't want to have to spend any extra time there. Plus, I was feeling pretty good and Grady was doing well, so there wasn't much reason for us to stay.

When we got home, Heather and RonaLee were here and had cooked up some food for a snack --- that was very much appreciated since I hadn't really eaten since 6am on Sunday morning. We ate some food, visited a bit, and then headed off to bed. Grady slept soundly through the whole night (except when he woke up to feed) but Sandy and I barely slept at all! We both kept waking up to check on him. If he spit up, it was a major event with us both waking up, cleaning him, picking him up, and making sure he was okay! I think we all drifted off around 4am and slept straight through until 7am, which felt great.

Yesterday is a bit of blur now. I know that Joanne and Maneesha (our midwives) came by to check on us. I just have to take a moment to say once again how amazing their care has been. They were absolutely incredible throughout the whole pregnancy, labour and delivery, and their after-care has been wonderful. When they were here, they watched Grady feed (his latch is great - yay!), removed the clamp that was on his umbilical cord, checked my stitches, and just made sure that we were all feeling okay in general.

I spent the rest of the day feeding Grady and sleeping. We had some close friends come by and visit in the afternoon. It was lovely to see them (and they brought food :)

Last night wasn't much better sleep-wise for me because Grady wanted to eat every hour. So, I spent most of the night awake with him. Sandy got up around 4am and took him for a couple of hours. There is nothing sweeter than watching your baby sleep on your husband's chest ... very cute.

This morning, I had a nap from 8am-10:30am ... I definitely needed it after not sleeping all night. Grady was in good hands and I absolutely passed out. I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck, but after a hot shower and some breakfast, I felt better.

Joanne and Maneesha came by around 11am. They weighed Grady and checked him out. Today he weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces (he's lost 5 ounces since birth) but that's normal since it takes a few days for the mom's milk to come in. It was a nice, relaxed visit with them today and we had a chance to express our gratitude to them for all their amazing work. They were kind enough to say that it had been a pleasure to help birth our baby ... it was a nice moment.

Heather left this afternoon to go back to Vancouver and prepare for her exams. She took exceptional care of everyone: me, Grady, Ryder, and Sandy, and we are so thankful for all of her hard work as well. I am sure that she is absolutely exhausted!

Right now, Sandy is lying on the couch with Grady sleeping on his chest (a position he seems to really enjoy). Ryder is asleep on his dog bed. I am taking a moment to update the blog and send out some emails. Life is good.

Joanne mentioned today that typically Day 3 post-partum is a really tough one for new Moms ... lots of hormonal changes and emotions can run high. I feel so happy and content right now, but am prepared (some-what!) for the crash that may come. My plan is to just take it one day at a time, one moment at a time. I want to treasure them all .... already time is flying by and Grady seems to grow and change by the minute. He is so precious and I love him so much.

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