Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mixed Emotions

I know I am in the minority when I say that I have loved every minute of being pregnant! There have definitely been some times when I was uncomfortable and not feeling so great, but overall, it has been an amazing experience. I feel so fortunate to have this little life growing inside of me. I was lying in the bathtub last night and I could see the baby's foot/knee(?) poking out and it totally hit me all at once, I love this baby so much. Even though I've never met it, I already (finally!) feel this incredible love for my child that everyone has been telling me about.

The "mixed emotions" are the fact that I am a little sad that it's not going to be just Sandy, Ryder, and me anymore. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's scary to think that everything is going to change. I had a mini meltdown the other night and through tears, explained this to Sandy. He said, "Yes, it is going to change ... it's going to be so much better."

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